How It All Started

It all started with LIFE! I never fancied myself as a writer. I was just going from one crazy life event to the next and trying to make it out alive.

I’ve worked at my professional job for almost 20 years and I’ve had the same boss for about 15 of those years. He’s a good man and he cares for his employees. He has walked beside me through a lot of my life. The birth of my children, the sickness and death of my loved ones, the accident that left me scarred. You name it, he has been there. He has supported me, he’s let me just run out of the office at the drop of a hat, he has urged me to get help when I needed it. In the midst of the insanity, he would casually joke, “You need to write a book!” So, like I do with a lot of things, I took his advice. I started writing about my experiences.

I started to see God’s hand weaving a masterpiece out of the mess. He was making a mosaic out of all the broken pieces in my life. I could see the evidence of God’s goodness all over my life. Life can be hard, but God is GOOD! I don’t have it all figured out yet, but I’m going to keep moving forward.

My Hope

Krissy with a K was born from a place of hope. A hope that God has it all under control… even when I don’t. I also have hope that you will be encouraged and strengthened as you read about my crazy life.

I fully believe that we are created uniquely, with a purpose and with great potential! Every situation in our lives is an opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually change the world around us! I hope you will be encouraged and come along side me in this life journey!


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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.