Broken Clay Pot

Years ago, I read a parable about a cracked clay pot. This story has encouraged me over the years. The story is about this lady who is carrying two pots down to the river to get water. One pot is perfect, and the other pot has a crack in it. The perfect pot always comes back completely full, while the cracked pot is only half full upon return. The perfect pot was proud and boastful. But the cracked pot felt ashamed of its imperfections and felt like a failure.

One day, the cracked pot spoke to the lady and told her they were so ashamed that they were a leaky mess. The lady replied, “Don’t you see that there are flowers on your side of the road and not the other? I have always known that you are flawed, so I planted flower seeds on your side of the road. Every day, when we get water, your job has been to water those seeds. I now have beautiful flowers to pick from. Your perceived flaw has added beauty to our home!”

The Beauty in Our Flaws

The moral is that while we all have flaws, our flaws can be used to create beauty.

I have always been mesmerized by broken and beautiful things. Stained-glass, mosaics, furniture, and bits and pieces. Then an artist steps in and does their magic and something new is created.

There have been a lot of situations in my life where I have been broken, but God has made those places beautiful. I hope to share some of these with you and show you how your brokenness is what makes you a masterpiece!

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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.