The Best Christmas Ever

I’ve spent time pondering this Christmas. Every year, we read the Christmas story multiple times (Luke 1-2). The focus is on the angels, shepherds, and baby Jesus. For me, this year was a little different. I focused a little more on Mary’s response in the story. Maybe it’s the mom in me that really made me think of her this year. Or perhaps it was our own situation. Nevertheless, this year God has broken and rebuilt me in so many ways that my perspectives have changed. We were preparing ourselves for the most scaled-back holiday ever. But there was a Christmas miracle in the air.

Mary the Mother of Jesus

The Bible says an angel told Mary she found favor with God and would give birth to Jesus! Mary was so young and faced with many hard problems. I’m not so sure Mary fully understood how to navigate everything. The Bible says she was troubled and tried to figure out what the Angel meant by his greeting. Surprisingly, instead of shrinking back in fear and self-doubt, Mary leaned into the message and said:

 “Be it unto me according to your word.”


Scripture tells us many people were searching for Jesus the night he was born. King Herod had people searching for the Christ child. There were excited Shepherds who were just visited by angels. Also, there were Magi from the east following a star.

I picture things finally settling down after all the commotion. Like any mother, Mary marveled at her tiny baby. After hearing the report of the shepherd’s visitation, Luke 2:19 says:

“… Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.”

The Day After Christmas

I read that scripture again and cried. I identified so much with Mary in this moment. We just had the most amazing Christmas. It wasn’t about the gifts that were under the tree this year. It was about the people that impacted our lives. And in this in-between week, I have treasured up all the things and pondered them in my heart. And my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

We Didn’t Plan for a Big Christmas

We prepared the girls in advance and told them that this would be a leaner Christmas. They would have a few things, but we didn’t have much of a Christmas budget. However, it would be ok; we would make the most out of it. But God had a different plan, and His plan blew us away! He used very special people in our lives to shower us with love. One person came up to me at church and said how pretty my dress was noticing my pockets. As they were talking, they tucked a little gift inside and said “For the girls.” I waited until after service to even look, and when I did, I just cried.

One day, I received a call with a message saying that they were paying part of the girl’s tuition… I cried again. I got a Christmas card with a gift for a fun day with the girls. One of our friends bought them bunkbeds and wanted to come set it up. So, we planned a day to send the girls on a shopping trip while they would come set everything up. The love and generosity was so humbling!

My Prayer

When I realized how God was blessing my family, I began to pray that we would never forget all the kindness shown to us this Christmas. And that these examples of giving and sacrifice would impact our girls in a profound way. I prayed that God would show them how to have a giving heart, and the true meaning of Christmas. God answered my prayers!

The Big Surprise

Two days before Christmas, one of our favorite people took the girls on a shopping trip as the bunkbed crew came and set up the bed. I had given the girls a little money to buy us both one small gift. But they had other plans! They combined their own birthday and Christmas money to buy us way more than we needed! When they got home, they were overwhelmed to find the bunkbeds. And that’s when there was a knock on the door. More friends dropped by to bring gifts and fill our freezer with treats!

Kid's Bunkbeds
Thank you Bunkbed Crew

I couldn’t help but cry as our house was filled with people, joy and laughter! I watched as Liv sat in her bed and cried tears of joy. She cried as she selected gifts for us while out shopping. Then she cried more tears on Christmas Day as she watched Wes and I open our gifts. It was all so overwhelming. Our eyes were leaking with gratitude!

The Best Christmas Ever

I hope we never forget this Christmas. As the Grinch says:

“It came without ribbons; it came without tags. It came without packages, boxes, or bags. Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas (he thought) means a little bit more.”

Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas

This year, Christmas was way more than the things under our tree. It was a special time filled with love, joy and thankfulness.

In the words of Liv:

“This is the best Christmas ever!”

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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.