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Family Life People

A Kind Word is Like a Honeycomb

Sometimes all we need is a kind word to change our outlook in a situation. When I was a kid, my Papa Davis kept beehives. I loved going with him to collect the honey. I remember the anticipation of the first taste of that sweet treat. He would use his big strong hands to squeeze the honey combs. The honey would flow down into the strainers where all the impurities would be filtered out. He would cut chunks off of the comb and give it to us to eat while we watched. I can still smell the sweet aroma from …

Church Faith Life Parenting


7 out of 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with family and friends. – StrategyOne, in collaboration with Ann Kearney-Cooke, PhD., “Real Girls, Real Pressure: National Report on the State of Self-Esteem” Dove Self-Esteem Fund, June 2008, acessed October 1o, 2022, Why MADE? Made is a Bible study group for girls 12-19 years old. It is part of the Pulse youth ministry at The Sanctuary of Pascagoula. This group was born in my heart many years ago and it’s taken many …

Family Life

Celebrating My Mom

Her Life And Death Today, she would have turned 60! I figured that this would be the perfect day to introduce you to her, since I will be spending a lot of time talking about her. Her life and even death have taught me so much. She was a wealth of wisdom and experience. She had ups and downs. But most importantly, she had buckets of love to share! I celebrate her today! She-She Her Name Is Sheila, but just about everyone called her She-She. She was funny, energetic, caring, and serving. Our house was the place to be growing …