People Need People

We had our first church picnic today since the pandemic, and we had a wonderful time! It reminded me of how much people need people. We were a happy little community.

Community is a feeling of fellowship with others, that comes from sharing common attitudes, interests and goals.

A day like this makes you appreciate life. The weather was beautiful and the food scrumptious! It was a banner day!

As I sat in my chair and took in my surroundings, I was amazed by the diversity. Different generations, cultures and personalities were well represented! It was such a diverse group coming together for one purpose – Community. I saw that natural side of people that we too often keep hidden from each other!

People Were Made For Community

We NEED each other! From the beginning we were meant to do life together. When we give our best to each other the world becomes a better place. There are so many opportunities to grow and learn from those around us. We learn how to support and influence each other as we share and connect. We are stronger when we take part in community. Like the old proverb goes:

“As iron sharpens iron,

    so a friend sharpens a friend.”

Proverbs 27:17 nlt

Then I Saw Something Special

As we all relaxed, everyone came out of their shell. It’s beautiful to watch people let down their guard to be themselves around each other. I observed so much about our community today. There were talented cooks, and the best food ever! Wisdom was shared in old rocking chairs. People were patient with each other. Couples walked hand in hand on a pier. Frogs were captured and crabs were counted. Moms received help from friends with their littles. Kids splashed in the splash pad.

Then the competitive spirits came out! Croquet, badminton and horseshoe were played. The experts showed the novices how to play and win corn hole – over and over again! We cheered on our friends. And laughter rang out loud and clear! The most important thing I saw today was LOVE! Love flowed freely all throughout the picnic! You could see it on everyone’s face. It was community at its best!

The Next Day

Getting ready for church the next morning, I was reminded once again that people need people. My girls played a song by CAIN called, “People Need People”. It summed up exactly what I saw at the picnic! It really does feel wonderful when everyone gets together.

I am stronger today because of my community at The Sanctuary church. It is a place where I am encouraged by friends and filled with hope. Something special happens when you open up in a healthy community. It helps you see just how bright the future really is! I encourage you to find that special place where you belong – your community! When you open up to the love of others, it makes you appreciate life and value everyone around you a little bit more.

In the words of my daughter,

“Best Day Ever!”


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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.