Her Life And Death

Today, she would have turned 60! I figured that this would be the perfect day to introduce you to her, since I will be spending a lot of time talking about her. Her life and even death have taught me so much. She was a wealth of wisdom and experience. She had ups and downs. But most importantly, she had buckets of love to share! I celebrate her today!


Her Name Is Sheila, but just about everyone called her She-She. She was funny, energetic, caring, and serving. Our house was the place to be growing up. She was the life of the party. She made people laugh and feel loved. All the cousins knew that if you wanted a fun time, spend time at She – She’s! She led by example, serving others. She gave up a good chunk of her life to help care for her parents when they were both sick over the years. Furthermore, she served her husband selflessly after his stroke. She served her siblings and friends. She served my brother and me, even when we were grown. Likewise, she would give you her last few dollars, knowing that God would take care of her. She reminds me of the widow with the mites-she didn’t have much, but she did what she could! She was selfless!

She Wasn’t Perfect

And life didn’t always give her sunshine and rainbows. She struggled with her mental health, prescription medications, and the debilitating chronic illnesses of COPD and degenerative disk disease. I want you to know that even in her mess, my Mom was a wonder!

God used my mom to teach me so much about life, love, and carrying on in the middle of hardship. She would drive me bonkers at times, but I tried to live my life honoring her to the best of my ability. I spent the last several years of her life helping her, just as she helped her mom. I’m so glad I did! Furthermore, I count that time as an investment and privilege.

I Can’t Wait

So… on this 60th birthday, Mom, I celebrate you! I am very thankful that God gave me you as a mom! I love you and can’t wait until the heavenly reunion!

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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.