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Faith Life

Welcome to My Blog!

How It All Started It all started with LIFE! I never fancied myself as a writer. I was just going from one crazy life event to the next and trying to make it out alive. I’ve worked at my professional job for almost 20 years and I’ve had the same boss for about 15 of those years. He’s a good man and he cares for his employees. He has walked beside me through a lot of my life. The birth of my children, the sickness and death of my loved ones, the accident that left me scarred. You name it, …

Faith Life

Broken Plates

I have felt so broken that I just wanted to quit! Life just has a way of dismantling you. And I have wondered things like: am I good enough, am I a good mother and wife, did I do right by my parents before they passed? All of these pieces make me wonder if I will ever have worth. Well, I learned something one day at an arts and crafts festival of all places. What We Found at the Festival Last October, Kira and I went to the Zonta Arts and Crafts Festival. We had the best time looking at …

Faith Family Life

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

When I Was Little We would say the little prayer “Now I lay me down to sleep; I pray the Lord my soul to keep.” As I’ve gotten older that little prayer has grown into way more meaningful prayers. These prayers that have sustained me in this journey of life. However, lately when I lay down to sleep, I don’t lay down in peace. Worries creep in and interrupt my rest. I can’t seem to shut off the noise of this world. I can’t relax. My body aches and sleep evades me. It’s Been One of Those Weeks Anxiety has …

Church Faith Life Parenting


7 out of 10 girls believe they are not good enough or do not measure up in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with family and friends. – StrategyOne, in collaboration with Ann Kearney-Cooke, PhD., “Real Girls, Real Pressure: National Report on the State of Self-Esteem” Dove Self-Esteem Fund, June 2008, acessed October 1o, 2022, Why MADE? Made is a Bible study group for girls 12-19 years old. It is part of the Pulse youth ministry at The Sanctuary of Pascagoula. This group was born in my heart many years ago and it’s taken many …

Broken Clay Pot
Faith Life

The Parable of the Cracked Pot

Years ago, I read a parable about a cracked clay pot. This story has encouraged me over the years. The story is about this lady who is carrying two pots down to the river to get water. One pot is perfect, and the other pot has a crack in it. The perfect pot always comes back completely full, while the cracked pot is only half full upon return. The perfect pot was proud and boastful. But the cracked pot felt ashamed of its imperfections and felt like a failure. One day, the cracked pot spoke to the lady and told …