Live. Learn. Grow. Influence.

About Me

Sunflower At Dawn

“There’s something in you the world needs.”

— Unknown

Hi! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I’m a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.

My Life

My husband Wes and I have been married for 20 years. We have been in ministry our entire lives together. We have worked as youth ministers, bus ministry, Sunday school teachers, assistants to the pastor, worship leaders, you name it, we have probably done it. 😊 We have two beautiful girls, Liv and Kira. They are light and life in our home! I currently work full-time outside the home.

My Mission

Krissy with a K was born out of a place of pain & hope. This blog is designed to encourage you to overcome your obstacles as you read about my crazy life! I fully believe that each of us is made unique with purpose! That means you have great potential. Every situation in our lives is an opportunity to learn, grow, and eventually change the world around us!

My Experience

I know what it is to lose my father and mother at a young age. I know what it’s like to have a miscarriage. Not only that, but I’ve been in three car accidents and walked away each time. No one ever told me that bringing a newborn into the world would trigger the worst depression of my life, where there should be joy. I have suffered the loss of family and health. And I’ve learned how to live and carry on through the growing pressure. So, if you are experiencing any of these hardships, I want you to know that you are not alone.

“You are not alone.”

— Me