Sometimes all we need is a kind word to change our outlook in a situation. When I was a kid, my Papa Davis kept beehives. I loved going with him to collect the honey. I remember the anticipation of the first taste of that sweet treat. He would use his big strong hands to squeeze the honey combs. The honey would flow down into the strainers where all the impurities would be filtered out. He would cut chunks off of the comb and give it to us to eat while we watched. I can still smell the sweet aroma from the honey. It brings back such fond memories. It reminds me of the teachings of King Solomon.

Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.

– Proverbs 16:24 KJV
Papa Davis’ Beehives

One Sunday, I was feeling a little off. I think I was feeling a bit unseen and maybe a little discouraged and self-conscious about my looks. After all, you fancy up for church and you want to look nice.

Since the car wreck, I’ve had constant issues with the left side of my face. The nerves haven’t healed completely and it’s tingly to the touch. It will also swell up and get red, blotchy and puffy. Then when all that happens my eye waters because of the tear duct damage. It’s really annoying! But what can you do…I just grab an ice pack and move on with life.

When I arrived at church and said my good mornings and hellos. I got to my seat determined to move past myself and focus on God. Then Bill came up to me to say hello. If you don’t know Bill, he’s a wonderfully sensitive man with Down syndrome. He’s full of love and laughter, and he’s not afraid to show it! He took my hands and looked me in the eyes and said, “You look beautiful today!” And yes, I cried! The big tears just streamed down my puffy face. He had spoken a pleasant word and it was so sweet to my soul!

Though at times we may be the one in need of a kind word, we can still be the one to share a kind word. Maybe it’s just a smile and a hello at the gas pump, or a text to check on a coworker. It can be a call to a loved one to tell them that they are on your mind. It can even be a funny video between friends! All it takes is a kind word to bring a little light to someone’s day!

A man has joy by the answer of his mouth, And a word spoken in due season, how good it is!

Proverbs 15:23 NKJV

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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.