I have felt so broken that I just wanted to quit! Life just has a way of dismantling you. And I have wondered things like: am I good enough, am I a good mother and wife, did I do right by my parents before they passed? All of these pieces make me wonder if I will ever have worth. Well, I learned something one day at an arts and crafts festival of all places.

What We Found at the Festival

Last October, Kira and I went to the Zonta Arts and Crafts Festival. We had the best time looking at all of the creativity that flows through people! One artist took oyster shells, pearls and paint and made beautiful ornaments. Another turned regular old PVC pipes into dazzling tropical birds. Someone made “geetars” out of all kinds of random stuff. There were wreaths, paintings, music and so much delicious food. We had a great time!

The Broken Plate Lady

Then we came upon a lady that took broken plates and turn them into works of art. She made chickens, beehives, pigs, angels, and so much more. Of course, because of my fondness for the broken, I purchased a few ornaments.

Now, you have probably already noticed that I am mesmerized by broken things… but I don’t really like ALL broken things! A broken toilet or tub doesn’t spark joy. A broken car stresses me out, and broken plans can put me in a tailspin.

It’s Not Fun When Things Are Breaking

But that’s kind of how most broken things start…. Not so great! They don’t really look beautiful when they are happening. They seem overwhelming, horrible, exhausting, and really any other word you can use to describe a bad time. It seems like they will never end, or that hope will never come. But I promise… hope abounds, there can be a peace that passes all understanding, healing takes place, and beauty is born.

My Broken Things

It’s the broken things in life that make us better. They give us a chance to develop strength and resilience. Life has handed me some of these opportunities to grow:

  • Abusive relationship
  • Mental Illness
  • Infertility
  • Post-Partum Depression
  • Miscarriage
  • Parents with Debilitating Illness
  • Death
  • Car Accident
  • Parenting
  • Married Life
  • Ministry

Broken to Beautiful

One of the things I hope to show in my blog is how beautiful things grow out of the cracks in our lives. God has a way of turning brokenness into something beautiful. He will not leave us wounded and bleeding-out in our pain.

“He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.”

Psalm 147:3

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Hi! Welcome to Krissy with a K! I am Krissy … yes… it’s with a K! I'm a wife, mom, daughter, friend, and most importantly a follower of God. In Him, I live, move, and have my being.